This site is a love offering from me to the fellowship of all people interested in Ram Dass. I absolutely love the idea that people are getting to see these things that give us a glimpse into his thinking process 50 years ago. I absolutely love that people are now able to see some of the pictures of him from that time. I love every minute I spend working on this site. My hope is that this site will continue to grow and be a place for people to share stories about their own personal interactions with Ram Dass. If I get to spend the rest of my life maintaining, growing and working with this site, that would be a perfectly fine “happily ever after” ending to my existence on this plane.

I am very, very, very happily retired. I am not, however, ‘comfortably’ retired. There are some things that this website is going to need, if it is to grow, that are beyond my current financial resources. Donations to this site will be used to:

  • Incorporate as a nonprofit organization so that donations are tax-deductible.
  • Acquire additional software tools to make it even easier for people to donate.
  • If necessary, to hire additional help to maintain the site, if it ever really takes off.
  • To hire an actual web designer to give this site a makeover so it doesn’t look like it was cobbled together by somebody who had just recently learned enough about website construction to publish their very first one (me 🙂

And yes, I will use some of the funds donated to make my retirement a bit more comfortable.

Thank you all very, very much.

Storm A. King     March 5, 2021

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Patreon is a way to set up a small, recurring monthly donation. In return, subscribers get ‘perks’ like advance notice of postings. There is not much in the way of perks for this account so far, but it is a great way to support my effort.